Five reasons why swimming is the most enjoyable exercise.

Dhruva Verma
3 min readJun 13, 2021

More often than not, swimming is regarded as one of the best endurance building exercises to exist.

So what is it that makes swimming one of the most fun activities? These reasons could definitely be an eye opener for many who don’t regularly swim, and for those who already fit in this activity in their daily lives, may you continue to get better and better and stick to swimming.


When a person says they are only using their arms to move themselves across to the other side of the pool, they are either not swimming the right way or don’t enjoy swimming as much it could be enjoyed. Swimming effectively depends on your whole body movement. Arms, legs, core, and the back is fully engaged to hustle the body across the pool. When your whole body is active and running, it’s no doubt that it will become more familiar to becoming more stretchable. A backstroke itself requires huge amounts of flexibility. First you need to be wary of your legs, making sure that they are kicking straight and your knees are not entirely bent.


When your whole body is doing the moving is really getting you to push forward, think about the number of calories one could be burning swimming how every many times they choose to swim each week. The resistance coming from the water really acts as a block to try and get you to push even harder at each stroke. The kind of resistance which swimmers have to face can be a real challenge especially when you are first starting off with the sport. But once you learn to pull through it and pin point the right techniques, nothing can come your way. I challenge myself to swim at least 60 minutes a day while keeping my heart rate at a constant level for 15–20 minutes. This allows me to build more stamina and grow as an athlete. I feel the immense pressure that builds up and really feel the whole body working.


Getting in the water can feel so relaxing. All the noise you tend to hear outside of the pool just shuts for a moment and you begin to experience the quietness. This can have a positive effect on one’s mental health since they don’t have to deal with the outside pressures of life for sometime each day. The most deliberate effect of all is that the quality of sleep begins to improve when you start to experience more positive feelings all over. Better understanding of yourself really starts to show when you come out of the pool. I began to cherish the little things right after a swim.


Apart from bad posture attempting breast stroke, you really can’t go wrong trying not to commit a injury on yourself. If safety is your number one priority, then it is safe to say that swimming is the right exercise for you. It is definitely a low impact sport which makes it even more enjoyable without large amounts of risk.


If you want a real challenge, the one which makes you strive for more each time.. chose swimming as your activity. The amount of patience that this sport requires is unbelievable. I remember starting out on my first day, it was my number one priority to get my techniques right. And to achieve these techniques, it required me to attain the most patience that I have ever had within me.

I can’t be the only one who agrees on these five things. If you find these reasons to be convincing enough to get back to swimming or even learn to swim in the first place, then it gives me great pleasure to know my words made you direct that certain way.



Dhruva Verma

Im Dhruva, founder of @yourgrowthpage on Instagram. I write about life experiences and moments which bring the most joy to me.